Web of Knowledge

Logging Onto And Using Web Of Knowledge

Web of Knowledge (WoK) and Web of Science (WoS) are databases of journal articles and books. They contain a number of useful tools to help you find relevant articles to your work. This video will show you how to access and use WoK. Thre are a couple of things to note. First, to access WoK, your insitution must subscribe to the database. Second, this video demonstrates access to WoK when off-campus and away from a university network. To authenticate, a login provided via Athens was required. Some universities use this method of authentication, others will have other methods of accessing the resource (such as using your university login). Therefore, the explanation at the start of the video might not be applicable to all. This video was created to support teaching on the modile 31112 Psychology of Learning and Working in the Department of Psychology at the University of Hull. Hence, some of the commentary will relate to events during the lecture relvant to this topic.

Download Video (25.8MB) | Duration: 13:02